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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248842, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339343


Abstract Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity levels can be used as an indicator for AChE inhibition due to pesticide poisoning in bird species. We assessed the comparative brain cholinesterase (AChE) activity level of five bird species inhabiting pesticide exposed croplands and Protected Area i.e. Deva Vatala National Park (DVNP), Bhimber by using a spectrophotometric method. AChE activity levels ranged from 56.3 to 85.9 µmol/min/g of brain tissue of birds representing DVNP. However, AChE activity levels ranged from 27.6 to 79.9 µmol/min/g of brain tissue of birds representing croplands. AChE activity levels observed in Jungle babbler, Common babbler, and Red-vented bulbul showed significant differences (P < 0.05) at two sites. However, White wagtail and Black drongo demonstrated non-significant differences (P > 0.05). Maximum inhibition was recorded in Jungle babbler (53%) followed by Common babbler (35%), Red-vented bulbul (18%), White wagtail (15%), and Black drongo (7%). The brain cholinesterase inhibition levels under-protected ecosystems (DVNP, Bhimber) and agricultural landscape suggest insecticidal contamination and its impact on avifauna diversity. The study also emphasizes on the importance of pesticide-free zones to protect the biodiversity of birds.

Resumo Os níveis de atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) podem ser usados ​​como um indicador para a inibição da AChE devido ao envenenamento por pesticidas em espécies de aves. Avaliamos o nível de atividade comparativa da colinesterase cerebral (AChE) de cinco espécies de aves que habitam áreas cultivadas expostas a pesticidas e Área Protegida, ou seja, Deva Vatala National Park (DVNP), Bhimber, usando um método espectrofotométrico. Os níveis de atividade da AChE variaram de 56,3 a 85,9 µmol / min / g de tecido cerebral de aves representando DVNP. No entanto, os níveis de atividade da AChE variaram de 27,6 a 79,9 µmol / min / g de tecido cerebral de aves representando áreas de cultivo. Os níveis de atividade de AChE observados no tagarela da selva, tagarela comum e bulbul vermelho exalado mostraram diferenças significativas (P < 0,05) em dois locais. No entanto, alvéola branca e drongo preto demonstraram diferenças não significativas (P > 0,05). A inibição máxima foi registrada no tagarela da selva (53%), seguido pelo tagarela comum (35%), bulbul vermelho (18%), alvéola branca (15%) e drongo preto (7%). Os níveis de inibição da colinesterase cerebral nos ecossistemas subprotegidos (DVNP, Bhimber) e na paisagem agrícola sugerem contaminação por inseticida e seu impacto na diversidade da avifauna. O estudo também enfatiza a importância das zonas livres de pesticidas para proteger a biodiversidade das aves.

Animals , Pesticides/toxicity , Pakistan , Acetylcholinesterase , Birds , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/toxicity , Ecosystem , Crops, Agricultural
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(4): 1575-1584, abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285907


Resumen El propósito de este artículo es analizar la exposición a plaguicidas y cuidados de la salud, en el contexto de las prácticas productivas y reproductivas de la vida cotidiana de horticultores del Cinturón Verde de Córdoba (CVCC), Argentina, desde los dominios individual, particular y general como marco comprensivo de los procesos de determinación de salud. Se implementó un estudio analítico explicativo que incluyó el uso de metodologías mixtas entre 2013 y 2017. Se efectuó un análisis de triangulación de resultados provenientes de las vertientes cuantitativas y cualitativas. Se observó que el Modelo Productivo Agrícola Dominante determina el deterioro de las condiciones productivas y la exposición a plaguicidas de la población hortícola del CVCC. Los deficientes sistemas de regulación del uso de la tierra, débil legislación y control acorde al contexto, por parte del Estado, inciden en la vida cotidiana y obturan las prácticas individuales protectoras de la salud de los horticultores.

Abstract This article aims to analyze health care and exposure to pesticides within the context of productive and reproductive practices or the everyday life of horticulturists in the Green Belt of the City of Cordoba (GBCC), Argentina, from the individual, particular and general domains as the comprehensive framework of health determining processes. An explanatory analytical study was implemented which included the use of mixed methodologies between 2013 and 2017. A triangulation analysis was carried out of the results of the quantitative and qualitative aspects. It was observed that the dominant agricultural productive model has determined the deterioration of the productive conditions and exposure to pesticides of the horticultural population of the GBCC. Deficient systems for regulating land use, weak legislation and control from the State in accordance with the context impact on everyday life and block the horticulturists' individual health protection practices.

Humans , Pesticides/analysis , Pesticides/toxicity , Argentina , Cities , Delivery of Health Care , Horticulture
Braz. j. biol ; 81(1): 195-201, Feb. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153321


Abstract Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (RPW) (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the most destructive pest of palm according to dozens of literature, a lot of effort have been made since three decades up to date to solve this problem, one of newest solution raised is using nano pesticides. Imidacloprid and Chloropyrophos and their nano form were tested against 10 days-old larvae and newly emerged adults of the red palm weevil. The pesticides had toxicological and pathological effects on Rh. ferrugineus larvae and adults. The toxicity effect of nano chloropyrophos was more than others. The damage included vaculation of cytoplasm, analyzes and destroyed nuclei of the epithelial cells. The larvae were more sensitive in the total damages in comparison with adults. This investigation is the first record to the histopathological effects of nano pesticides.

Resumo Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (RPW) (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) é uma das pragas mais destrutivas da palmeira, de acordo com dezenas de publicações, muito esforço foi feito desde três décadas para resolver esse problema, uma das mais recentes soluções levantados está usando nano pesticidas. O imidaclopride e o cloropirofós e sua nano forma foram testados em larvas com 10 dias de idade e em adultos recém-emergidos do gorgulho da palma vermelha. Os pesticidas tiveram efeitos toxicológicos e patológicos em Rh. larvas de ferrugineus e adultos. O efeito da toxicidade dos nano cloropirofos foi maior que outros. O dano incluiu a vacinação do citoplasma, análises e núcleos destruídos das células epiteliais. As larvas foram mais sensíveis no total de danos em comparação com os adultos. Esta investigação é o primeiro registro dos efeitos histopatológicos dos nano pesticidas.

Animals , Pesticides/toxicity , Weevils , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 499-507, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153369


Increased agricultural production has been increased use of pesticides worldwide, which poses a threat to both human and environmental health. Recent studies suggest that several non-target organisms, from bees to mammals, show a wide variety of toxic effects of pesticides exposure, including impaired behavior, development and reproduction. Among mammals, bats are usually a neglected taxon among ecotoxicological studies, although they play important ecological and economical roles in forest ecosystems and agriculture through to seed dispersal and insect population control. Considering their wide variety of food habits, bats are exposed to environmental pollutants through food or water contamination, or through direct skin contact in their roosting areas. In order to better understand the risk posed by pesticides to bats populations, we compiled studies that investigated the main toxicological effects of pesticides in bats, aiming at contributing to discussion about the environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides.

O aumento da produção agrícola tem levado ao aumento do uso de pesticidas em todo o mundo, o que representa uma ameaça para a saúde humana e ambiental. Estudos recentes sugerem que vários organismos não-alvo, de abelhas a mamíferos, apresentam uma grande variedade de efeitos tóxicos após a exposição aos pesticidas a pesticidas, incluindo alterações de comportamento, no desenvolvimento e na reprodução. Entre os mamíferos, os morcegos geralmente são negligenciados entre os estudos ecotoxicológicos, embora desempenhem importantes papéis ecológicos e econômicos nos ecossistemas florestais e na agricultura por meio do controle de dispersão de sementes e de populações de insetos. Considerando sua ampla variedade de hábitos alimentares, eles estão expostos a poluentes ambientais através da contaminação de alimentos ou água, ou através do contato direto com a pele em suas áreas de descanso. Para entender melhor o risco que os agrotóxicos representam para as populações de morcegos, compilamos estudos que investigaram os principais efeitos toxicológicos de agrotóxicos em morcegos, visando à discussão sobre os riscos ambientais associados ao uso de agrotóxicos.

Animals , Pesticides/toxicity , Pyrethrins/analysis , Chiroptera/physiology , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Insecticides, Organochlorine/analysis , Bees , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Bioaccumulation
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(4): e00061820, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249421


A legislação brasileira não prevê revisão periódica do registro dos agrotóxicos e, ainda hoje, são utilizados produtos proibidos em outros países. Partindo dos ingredientes ativos de agrotóxicos registrados no país, o presente estudo investigou a situação regulatória internacional nos países-membros da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), da Comunidade Europeia e BRICS. Também se buscou relacionar os principais efeitos crônicos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente dos ingredientes ativos de agrotóxicos mais comercializados no Brasil, em listas de classificação de potencial cancerígeno (Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos - USEPA e Agência Internacional de Pesquisa em Câncer - IARC), desregulação endócrina e candidatos para substituição (estes dois últimos da Comunidade Europeia). Foram identificados 399 ingredientes ativos de agrotóxicos registrados no Brasil para uso agrícola, excluindo-se os microbiológicos e agentes biológicos de controle. Destes, não têm autorização 85,7% na Islândia, 84,7% na Noruega, 54,5% na Suíça, 52,6% na Índia, 45,6% na Turquia, 44,4% em Israel, 43,4% na Nova Zelândia, 42,4% no Japão, 41,5% na Comunidade Europeia, 39,6% no Canadá, 38,6% na China, 35,8% no Chile, 31,6% no México, 28,6% na Austrália e 25,6% nos Estados Unidos. Foram relacionados a danos à saúde e ao ambiente 120 ingredientes ativos de agrotóxicos. Considerando os ingredientes ativos de agrotóxicos para os quais estão disponíveis dados de comercialização no país, 67,2% deste volume está associado a pelo menos um dano crônico grave avaliado neste estudo. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam a necessidade de promover a transparência das bases de dados internacionais, no que tange às motivações para as respectivas decisões regulatórias e os órgãos reguladores brasileiros reavaliarem o registro de produtos obsoletos, fortalecendo políticas públicas relacionadas à redução do uso de agrotóxicos.

La legislación brasileña no prevé una revisión periódica del registro de los pesticidas e incluso hoy se utilizan productos prohibidos en otros países. Partiendo de los ingredientes activos de pesticidas registrados en el país, el presente estudio investigó la situación regulatoria internacional en los siguientes países-miembros: Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), Comunidad Europea, y BRICS. También se buscó relacionar los principales efectos crónicos para la salud humana y en el medio ambiente de los ingredientes activos de pesticidas más comercializados en Brasil en listas de clasificación con potencial cancerígeno (Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos - USEPA e Agencia Internacional de Investigación sobre el Cáncer - IARC), desregulación endocrina y candidatos para sustitución, ambos de la Comunidad Europea. Se identificaron 399 ingredientes activos de pesticidas registrados en Brasil para uso agrícola, excluyéndose los microbiológicos y agentes biológicos de control. De estos, no tienen autorización en Islandia 85,7%, Noruega 84,7%, Suiza 54,5%, India 52,6%, Turquía 45,6%, Israel 44,4%, Nueva Zelanda 43,4%, Japón 42,4%, Comunidad Europea 41,5%, Canadá 39,6%, China 38,6%, Chile 35,8%, México 31,6%, Australia 28,6% y Estados Unidos 25,6%. 120 ingredientes activos de pesticidas estuvieron relacionados con daños en la salud y medioambiente. Considerando los ingredientes activos de pesticidas para los cuales están disponibles datos de comercialización en el país, un 67,2% de este volumen está asociado a por lo menos una enfermedad crónica grave evaluada en ese estudio. Los resultados del presente estudio indican la necesidad de promover la transparencia de las bases de datos internacionales, en lo que respecta a las motivaciones de las respectivas decisiones regulatorias, con el fin de que los órganos reguladores brasileños reevalúen el registro de productos obsoletos, así como para fortalecer políticas públicas relacionadas con la reducción del uso de pesticidas.

The Brazilian legislation does not provide for a periodic review of the registration of pesticides and, even nowadays, products banned in other countries are still used. Based on the pesticide active substances registered in the country, the present study investigated the international regulatory situation in the following member countries: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Community, and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Moreover, we sought to relate the main chronic effects to human health and the environment of the most commercialized pesticide active substances in Brazil in lists of classification of carcinogenic potential (US Environmental Protection Agency - USEPA and International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC), endocrine disruption, and candidates for substitution, both from the European Community. A total of 399 pesticide active substances registered in Brazil for agricultural use were identified, excluding microbiological and biological control agents. Of these, the percentage of unauthorized pesticide active substances according to countries is as follows: 85.7% in Iceland; 84.7% in Norway; 54.5% in Switzerland; 52.6% in India; 45.6% in Turkey; 44.4% in Israel; 43.4% in New Zealand; 42.4% in Japan; 41.5% in the European Community; 39.6% in Canada; 38.6% in China; 35.8% in Chile; 31.6% in Mexico; 28.6% in Australia; and 25.6% in the United States. 120 pesticide active substances were related to damage to health and the environment. Considering the pesticide active substances for which commercialization data are available in the country, 67.2% of this volume is associated with at least one serious chronic damage assessed in this study. The results of the present study indicate the need for promoting transparency of international databases, regarding the motivations of the respective regulatory decisions and the Brazilian regulatory bodies to reevaluate the registration of obsolete products and to strengthen public policies related to the reduction of the use of pesticides.

Humans , Pesticides/toxicity , United States , Brazil , Canada , Chile , China , Environment , India , Japan , Mexico
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(5): e00072220, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278601


Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os fatores associados à asma não controlada em escolares expostos aos agrotóxicos em município de médio porte de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Estudo do tipo caso controle, realizado com escolares de 6 a 7 anos e 13 a 14 anos de Primavera do Leste, em 2016. Foram considerados casos, escolares que preencheram critérios para asma não controlada por meio de questões do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), os controles foram selecionados a partir das mesmas escolas dos casos, após randomização, numa relação de 1:1. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados os questionários da Fase I e II do ISAAC e o questionário adicional para a exposição aos agrotóxicos. Realizaram-se a análise descritiva, bivariada e regressão logística das variáveis sociodemográficas e econômicas, individuais e ambientais. Foram selecionados 319 casos e 319 controles, totalizando em 638 participantes do estudo. No modelo final da regressão logística, as variáveis renda familiar maior que quatro salários mínimos (OR = 14,36; IC95%: 8,89-23,20), ter mãe com escolaridade até Ensino Médio incompleto (OR = 16,32; IC95%: 8,96-29,75), prematuridade (OR = 13,25; IC95%: 4,83-36,41) e baixo peso ao nascer (OR = 17,08; IC95%: 5,52-52,90) mantiveram-se associadas à asma não controlada. Das variáveis de exposição aos agrotóxicos, presença de pessoas no domicílio que trabalham na agricultura (OR = 5,91; IC95%: 2,11-16,53), residir próximo da atividade agrícola (OR = 3,98; IC95%: 1,47-11,76) e a pulverização aérea próxima ao domicílio (OR = 4,20; IC95%: 1,49-11,87) relacionaram-se ao desfecho. Neste estudo, os agrotóxicos e as condições sociodemográficas e de nascimento e infância mostraram-se relacionados à asma não controlada em escolares.

Abstract: The study aimed to analyze factors associated with uncontrolled asthma in schoolchildren exposed to pesticides in a medium-sized municipality in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. This was a case-control study of children 6 to 7 and 13 to 14 years old in Primavera do Leste, in 2016. Cases were defined as schoolchildren that met the criteria for uncontrolled asthma based on International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questions, and controls were selected from the same schools as the cases, after randomization, at a 1:1 ratio. Data collection used the questionnaires from Phases I and II of ISAAC and an additional questionnaire on pesticide exposure. Descriptive, bivariate, and logistic da e regression analyses were performed with the individual and environmental sociodemographic, and economic variables. 319 cases and 319 controls were selected, totaling 638 participants in the study. In the final da logistic model, the variables family income greater than 4 minimum wages (OR = 14.36; 95%CI: 8.89-23.20), maternal schooling up to incomplete secondary (OR = 16.32; 95%CI: 8.96-29.75), prematurity (OR = 13.25; 95%CI: 4.83-36.41), and low birthweight (OR = 17.08; 95%CI: 5.52-52.90) remained associated with uncontrolled asthma. Of the pesticide exposure variables, presence of household member working in agriculture (OR = 5.91; 95%CI: 2.11-16.53), living near farming activities (OR = 3.98; 95%CI: 1.47-11.76), and spraying areas near the household (OR = 4.20; 95%CI: 1.49-11.87) were related to the outcome. In this study, pesticides and sociodemographic, neonatal, and childhood conditions proved related to uncontrolled asthma in schoolchildren.

Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los factores asociados al asma no controlado en escolares expuestos a pesticidas en un municipio de tamaño medio de Mato Grosso, Brazil. Se trata de un estudio de tipo caso-control, realizado con escolares de 6 a 7 años y de 13 a 14 de Primavera do Leste, en 2016. Se consideraron casos los escolares que cumplieron los criterios para asma no controlado, a través de preguntas del International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), los controles se seleccionaron a partir de las mismas escuelas que los casos, tras una aleatorización, en una relación de 1:1. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron los cuestionarios de la Fase I y II del ISAAC, así como el cuestionario adicional para la exposición a los pesticidas. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, bivariado y regresión logística de las variables sociodemográficas y económicas, así como individuales y ambientales. Se seleccionaron 319 casos y 319 controles, llegando a un total de 638 participantes en el estudio. En el modelo final de regresión logística las variables: renta familiar mayor que 4 salarios mínimos (OR = 14,36; IC95%: 8,89-23,20), tener una madre con escolaridad hasta la enseñanza media incompleta (OR = 16,32; IC95%: 8,96-29,75), prematuridad (OR = 13,25; IC95%: 4,83-36,41) y bajo peso al nascer (OR = 17,08; IC95%: 5,52-52,90) se mantuvieron asociadas al asma no controlado. Respecto a las variables de exposición a los pesticidas, la presencia de personas en el domicilio que trabajan en la agricultura (OR = 5,91; IC95%: 2,11-16,53), residir cerca de la actividad agrícola (OR = 3,98; IC95%: 1,47-11,76), así como la pulverización del aérea cercana al domicilio (OR = 4,20; IC95%: 1,49-11,87) se relacionaron con el resultado. En este estudio, los pesticidas y las condiciones sociodemográficas y de nacimiento e infancia se mostraron relacionadas con el asma no controlado en escolares.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Child , Adolescent , Pesticides/toxicity , Asthma/epidemiology , Asthma/chemically induced , Brazil/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Agriculture
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2543-2553, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887820


We designed and fabricated a novel high throughput brain-on-chip with three dimensional structure with the aim to simulate the in vivo three-dimensional growth environment for brain tissues. The chip consists of a porous filter and 3D brain cell particles, and is loaded into a conventional 96-well plate for use. The filter and the particle molds were fabricated by using computer modeling, 3D printing of positive mold and agarose-PDMS double reversal mold. The 3D cell particles were made by pouring and solidifying a suspension of mouse embryonic brain cells with sodium alginate into a cell particle mold, and then cutting the resulting hydrogel into pieces. The loaded brain-on-chip was used to determine the neurotoxicity of pesticides. The cell particles were exposed to 0, 10, 30, 50, 100 and 200 µmol/L of chlorpyrifos or imidacloprid, separated conveniently from the medium by removing the porous filter after cultivation. Subsequently, cell proliferation, acetylcholinesterase activity and lactate dehydrogenase release were determined for toxicity evaluation. The embryonic brain cells were able to grow and proliferate normally in the hydrogel particles loaded into the filter in a 96-well plate. Pesticide neurotoxicity test showed that both chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid presented dose-dependent inhibition on cell growth and proliferation. Moreover, the pesticides showed inhibition on acetylcholinesterase activity and increase release of lactate dehydrogenase. However, the effect of imidacloprid was significantly weaker than that of chlorpyrifos. In conclusion, a novel brain-on-chip was developed in this study, which can be used to efficiently assess the drug neurotoxicity, pharmacodynamics, and disease mechanism by combining with a microtiterplate reader.

Animals , Mice , Brain , Chlorpyrifos/toxicity , Culture Media , Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis , Pesticides/toxicity
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 169-176, Jan.-Feb. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1088908


O fipronil é um inseticida de toxicidade seletiva amplamente empregado na agricultura e na medicina veterinária. Porém, há relatos de efeitos neurotóxicos dessa substância, que geram prejuízos para vertebrados. Avaliou-se a atividade locomotora, a coordenação motora e a atividade da enzima acetilcolinesterase cerebral em ratos expostos ao fipronil. Ratos Wistar machos adultos (n=15) receberam fipronil em dose de 30mg/kg, por via oral, durante 15 dias; o grupo controle (n=15) foi tratado com solução fisiológica, por via oral, no mesmo período. No 16° dia de experimentação, os animais foram submetidos aos testes de arena de campo aberto e hole board. No 17° dia, foram anestesiados e eutanasiados, procedendo-se à coleta de órgãos, e posteriormente foi feita a avaliação da AChE cerebral. A exposição ao fipronil não provocou alterações significativas sobre a coordenação motora e a atividade locomotora, porém gerou inibição significativa da atividade da acetilcolinesterase cerebral. Esses achados sugerem que o fipronil pode provocar efeitos neurotóxicos em curto prazo, os quais podem ser exacerbados caso a exposição seja prolongada.(AU)

Fipronil is a selective-toxicity insecticide widely used in agriculture and veterinary medicine. However, there are reports of neurotoxic effects of this substance, causing damages to vertebrates. We evaluated the locomotor activity, motor coordination and the activity of brain acetylcholinesterase in rats exposed to fipronil. Adult male Wistar rats (n= 15) received fipronil at a dose of 30mg/kg orally for 15 days; the Control group (n= 15) was treated with oral solution in the same period. On the 16th day of experimentation, the animals were submitted to the open field arena test and hole-board test. On the 17th day, they were anesthetized and euthanized, and organs were collected, and subsequently brain AChE was evaluated. Exposure to fipronil yielded no significant changes on motor coordination and locomotor activity but caused significant inhibition of brain acetylcholinesterase activity. These findings suggest that fipronil may cause short-term neurotoxic effects, which may be exacerbated if exposure is prolonged.(AU)

Animals , Rats , Pesticides/toxicity , Acetylcholinesterase/analysis , Pesticide Exposure , Neurotoxicity Syndromes/veterinary , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Rats, Wistar
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0612019, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1130105


The use of highly toxic pesticides to control soil pathogens, such as Fusarium spp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has generated concern, due to the irreversible impacts caused on the environment, in addition to selecting resistant isolates. In this way, essential oils appear as an efficient alternative in control of diseases. Facing the problem of soil pathogens control and high antimicrobial fungicide that essential oils present, this work aimed to evaluate the in vitro fungicidal potential of essential oils in control of Fusarium spp. and S. sclerotiorum. A completely randomized design, factorial scheme 2×4×8 was used, with two isolates (Fusarium spp. and S. sclerotiorum), four essential oils (Aloysia citriodora, Cymbopogon winterianus, Lippia alba and Ocimum americanum), eight essential oil concentrations (0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2 and 1.4 ?L·mL-1), and ten replicates. The essential oils inhibited mycelial growth of the fungi in different concentrations, being their potential justified by the presence of antifungal chemical compounds. Essential oils of A. citriodora, C. winterianus, L. alba and O. americanum present high fungicidal potential, being viable alternatives for formulation of commercial products, boosting the pesticides industry.(AU)

O uso de pesticidas com alta toxicidade para controlar patógenos do solo, como Fusarium spp. e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, tem gerado preocupação, devido aos impactos irreversíveis causados no meio ambiente, além de selecionar isolados resistentes. Dessa forma, os óleos essenciais surgem como uma alternativa eficiente no controle de doenças. Diante da problemática de controle de patógenos do solo e alto potencial antimicrobiano que os óleos essenciais possuem, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial fungicida de óleos essenciais no controle de Fusarium spp. e S. sclerotiorum, in vitro. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente randomizado, esquema fatorial 2×4×8, com dois isolados (Fusarium spp. e S. sclerotiorum), quatro óleos essenciais (Aloysia citriodora, Cymbopogon winterianus, Lippia alba e Ocimum americanum) e oito concentrações de óleo essencial (0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,2 e 1,4 ?L·mL-1), com dez repetições. Os óleos essenciais inibiram o crescimento micelial dos fungos em diferentes concentrações, sendo seu potencial justificado pela presença de compostos químicos antifúngicos. Os óleos essenciais de A. citriodora, C. winterianus, L. alba e O. americanum apresentam alto potencial fungicida, sendo alternativas viáveis para formulação de produtos comerciais, impulsionando a indústria de agrotóxicos.(AU)

Pesticides/toxicity , Pesticide Utilization , Oils, Volatile , Noxae , Ascomycota , Soil , Ocimum canum , Environment , Fusarium , Antifungal Agents
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 133, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1145055


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To explore the association of occupational pesticide exposure with acute and mental health symptoms. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey carried out with 78 Brazilian family farmers, who were pesticide applicators and helpers conveniently selected. Symptoms and exposure data were collected by interviews, and mental health outcomes by the Self-Reporting Questionnaire. Blood samples were analyzed to assess cholinesterase levels. Exposure indicators and symptoms were compared between applicators and helpers, and Poisson regression was performed to estimate prevalence ratios. RESULTS: Farmers reported exposure to multiple pesticides from early ages; they worked without safety training, technical support, and full protective equipment, and they had a high prevalence of acute and mental health symptoms (e.g., headache, mucosal irritation, tachycardia, and depressive signs). Applicators had more cholinesterase changes than helpers, but less symptoms. Helpers used less personal protection and had significantly higher prevalence ratio of headache, dyspnea, wheezing, cough, poor digestion, tiredness, and feeling worthless, after adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: Acute and mental health symptoms were observed, both among farmers and helpers. Thus, surveillance actions must be reinforced in Brazil, technical support and safety training improved, focused on applicators and helpers, who are occupationally and environmentally exposed to pesticides. Agricultural practices of these groups with less pesticide use should receive incentive.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pesticides/poisoning , Pesticides/toxicity , Poisoning/epidemiology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/chemically induced , Tachycardia/chemically induced , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Depression/chemically induced , Farmers , Headache/chemically induced , Respiratory Tract Diseases/diagnosis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Tachycardia/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Family , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Agriculture , Depression/epidemiology , Headache/epidemiology , Middle Aged
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058888


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the attributes of Primary Health Care (PHC) for rural workers; to analyze sociodemographic conditions, history of poisoning and hospitalizations for pesticides and use of personal protective equipment; and to verify exposure to pesticides by determining bioindicators. METHODS Cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study with a sample of 1,027 rural workers living in municipalities belonging to a regional health department in Southern Minas Gerais, whose PHC is governed by the Family Health Strategy model. We used the adult version of the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool Brazil) and a structured questionnaire to collect socioeconomic data, history of poisoning and hospitalization for pesticides and use of personal protective equipment. Blood samples were collected to measure biomarkers of pesticide exposure and signs of renal and hepatic sequelae. RESULTS Low education was prevalent, as well as the intense contact of workers with pesticides. Frequent use of personal protective equipment was higher among men, as was the history of poisoning and hospitalizations for pesticides. Rates of 20% poisoning, 15% liver disease and 2% nephropathy were detected. Signs of hepatotoxicity were more frequent in men. Gender differences were all statistically significant. Regarding PHC, only the attribute "degree of affiliation" had a high score. None of the poisoning cases detected in the study were previously diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS Despite the high coverage of the Family Health Strategy, occupational risk and its consequences have not been detected by health services, which do not seem oriented to primary care, even lacking their essential attributes. There is a need for immediate and effective adaptation of public policies regarding the health of rural workers, with adequate training of teams and review of the portfolio of PHC services offered.

ABSTRACT OBJETIVO Avaliar os atributos da atenção primária à saúde (APS) na assistência à saúde de trabalhadores rurais; analisar condições sociodemográficas, histórico de intoxicação e internações por agrotóxicos e uso de equipamentos de proteção individual; e verificar a exposição aos praguicidas pela determinação de bioindicadores. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal, descritivo-analítico, com amostra de 1.027 trabalhadores rurais residentes em municípios pertencentes a uma superintendência regional de saúde do sul de Minas Gerais, cuja APS é regida pelo modelo da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Utilizou-se o Instrumento de Avaliação da Atenção Primária (PCATool Brasil) versão adulto e um questionário estruturado para coleta de dados socioeconômicos, histórico de intoxicação e internação por agrotóxicos e uso de equipamentos de proteção individual. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas para dosagem de biomarcadores de exposição a praguicidas e de sinais de sequelas renais e hepáticas. RESULTADOS A baixa escolaridade foi prevalente, bem como o contato intenso dos trabalhadores com praguicidas. O uso frequente de equipamentos de proteção individual foi maior entre os homens, assim como o histórico de intoxicação e de internações por agrotóxicos. Detectaram-se índices de 20% de intoxicação, 15% de hepatopatia e 2% de nefropatia. Os sinais de hepatotoxicidade foram mais frequentes em homens. As diferenças entre sexos foram todas estatisticamente significantes. Com relação à APS, apenas o atributo "grau de afiliação" apresentou escore elevado. Nenhum dos casos de intoxicação detectados no estudo tinha diagnóstico prévio. CONCLUSÕES A despeito de uma alta cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família, o risco ocupacional e suas consequências não têm sido detectados pelos serviços de saúde, que se apresentam como não orientados à atenção primária, carecendo mesmo de seus atributos essenciais. Percebe-se a necessidade de adequação imediata e efetiva das políticas públicas no que concerne à saúde do trabalhador rural, com adequada capacitação das equipes e revisão da carteira de serviços da APS ofertados.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pesticides/toxicity , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/chemically induced , Rural Population , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Rural Health , Family Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/epidemiology , Personal Protective Equipment , Insecticides/poisoning , Middle Aged
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(10): 3923-3932, Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039474


Resumo Os agrotóxicos podem causar inúmeros problemas de saúde e são considerados agentes otoagressores. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as características auditivas nas altas frequências em trabalhadores com e sem exposição aos agrotóxicos, que apresentaram resultados normais na audiometria convencional. Estudo transversal com 87 trabalhadores, de ambos os gêneros, entre 19 e 59 anos, com vínculo de trabalho formal, informal e/ou que atuavam na agricultura familiar e realizaram Audiometria de Altas Frequências. O uso de glifosato foi relatado por 73% dos trabalhadores e as misturas de agrotóxicos diversos ocorreram em 78% deles. Não foi identificado uso adequado dos equipamentos de proteção individual recomendados para a atividade agrícola. Os trabalhadores expostos a agrotóxicos apresentaram piores resultados na Audiometria de Altas Frequências quando comparados aos que não tiveram contato com agrotóxicos (p < 0,0001). A Audiometria de Altas Frequências pode ser considerada um instrumento sensível para detectar, precocemente, alterações auditivas em trabalhadores expostos a agrotóxicos, e, seu uso em serviços de saúde poderá contribuir para as ações de vigilância em saúde do trabalhador.

Abstract Pesticides may cause a number of health problems and are considered oto-agressive agents. The objective of this study was to investigate the high frequency hearing characteristics of workers both with and without exposure to pesticides, that presented normal conventional audiometry. It involved a cross-sectional study with 87 workers, of both genders, between 19 and 59 years, with formal or informal jobs and some of whom worked with family agriculture, either using pesticides or not, who had taken High-Frequency Audiometry tests. The use of glyphosate was reported by 73% of workers and several pesticide mixtures occurred in 78% of them. There were no cases of proper use of personal protective equipment recommended for the activity. The workers exposed to pesticides had worse results in High-Frequency Audiometry tests in comparison with those who had no contact with pesticides (p < 0.0001). High-Frequency Audiometry has proved to be a useful and effective tool in the early detection of hearing loss caused by pesticides.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Pesticides/toxicity , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Hearing Loss/epidemiology , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Rural Population , Audiometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Personal Protective Equipment , Hearing Loss/diagnosis , Hearing Tests , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(8): 3117-3128, ago. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011894


Resumo O presente estudo refere-se ao impacto do uso de agrotóxicos sobre a saúde humana no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco. Por meio de entrevistas objetivou-se analisar a influência dos condicionantes sociais, culturais e econômicos no processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores expostos a agrotóxicos. Para a coleta de dados foram entrevistados 339 trabalhadores rurais de perímetros irrigados dos municípios de Juazeiro-BA e Petrolina-PE. Todos do sexo masculino, sendo 182 (53,7%) proprietários rurais e 157 (46,3%) empregados, predominando indivíduos entre 40 e 59 anos entre os proprietários e abaixo de 39 anos entre os trabalhadores. Mais de 50% apresentou baixo nível de escolaridade e 55,2% tinha rendimentos mensais menor ou igual a 2 salários mínimos. Muitos sabem da importância do uso de EPIs e da obrigatoriedade do receituário agronômico para a utilização e a compra de agrotóxicos, entretanto cerca de 40% não usam EPIs ou fazem uso de forma incompleta e 28,9% não apresentam receituário durante a compra. Mais de 9% dos participantes relataram casos de intoxicação, no entanto, menos de 7% procuraram atendimento especializado. Os trabalhadores sabem que o uso de agrotóxicos nas lavouras os expõem a situações de risco, mas essa informação não é suficiente para alterar a conduta no exercício laboral.

Abstract This study refers to the impact of the use of pesticides on human health in the São Francisco River Valley region, in which, through semi-structured interviews, the objective was to analyze the influence of social, cultural and economic determinants on the health-disease process of workers exposed to agrochemicals. For data collection, 339 rural workers from irrigated perimeters of the cities of Juazeiro, in the State of Bahia, and Petrolina, in the State of Pernambuco, were interviewed. All were male, of which 182 (53,7%) were rural owners and 157 (46,3%) were employees, predominantly between 40 and 59 years of age among owners and under 39 among workers. Over 50% have a low level of schooling and 55.2% of them have monthly incomes less than or equal to 2 minimum wages. Many of them know about the importance of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and the mandatory license for the use and purchase of agrochemicals. However, about 40% do not use PPE or use it inadequately and 28.9% do not have a license to purchase. More than 9% of participants reported cases of intoxication, however, less than 7% sought specialized care. Workers are aware of the risks that the use of agrochemicals expose them to risk situations, but this does not encourage them to change their worksite behavior.

Humans , Male , Adult , Pesticides/toxicity , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/prevention & control , Farmers/statistics & numerical data , Rural Population , Brazil , Interviews as Topic , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Agriculture , Personal Protective Equipment/statistics & numerical data , Farms , Fruit , Middle Aged
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(7): 2569-2582, jul. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011854


Abstract Exposure to pesticides by the rural population is increasing worldwide. Pesticides can induce the development of different diseases such as cancer and diseases of the central nervous system. This study analysed the clinical symptoms and haematological changes of a rural population in Conceição do Castelo, Espirito Santo, Brazil. For evaluation of symptomatology exposure to pesticides, 142 rural workers were interviewed. Of these, 22 workers were selected for haematological tests randomly as to evaluate haematological changes during the period of exposure to pesticides. Haematological analyses showed that erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, mean corpuscular (VCM) volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) are in accordance with the reference intervals in haematology. Variations in the concentrations of rods and neutrophils indicates that exposure to pesticides increases the amount of those cells. Haematological disorders in rural workers exposed to pesticides can be correlated with reported symptoms. The results described in this study are relevant to the health public and reinforce the concern about the indiscriminate use of pesticides.

Resumo A exposição a pesticidas pela população rural está crescendo em todo o mundo. Os pesticidas podem induzir o desenvolvimento de diferentes doenças, como o cancer e as do sistema nervoso central. Este estudo analisou os sintomas clínicos e alterações hematológicas de uma população rural em Conceição do Castelo, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Para a avaliação da exposição a pesticidas e sintomatologias, 142 trabalhadores rurais foram entrevistados. Destes, 22 trabalhadores foram selecionados de randomicamente para testes hematológicos e avaliação de alterações hematológicas durante o período de exposição a pesticidas. Análises hematológicas mostraram que eritrócitos, hemoglobina, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio (VCM), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM), concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) estão em conformidade com os intervalos de referência. As variações nas concentrações de bastonetes e neutrófilos indicam que a exposição a pesticidas aumenta a quantidade dessas células. Alterações hematológicas em trabalhadores rurais expostos a pesticidas podem ser correlacionados com alguns sintomas relatados. Os resultados descritos neste estudo são relevantes para a saúde pública e para reforçar a preocupação com o uso indiscriminado de pesticidas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pesticides/toxicity , Rural Population , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Hematologic Diseases/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Hemoglobins/analysis , Erythrocyte Indices , Hematologic Diseases/etiology , Hematologic Tests , Middle Aged
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(6): 2325-2340, jun. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011809


Abstract This study sought to investigate the association of exposure to organochlorine (OC) and non-persistent pesticides with hematological parameters in an agricultural population in Southern Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a random sample of 275 farm workers and their families in Farroupilha-RS. A questionnaire was used to collect information on sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, duration, frequency and type of pesticide used, among others. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for serum concentration of 24 OC pesticides and hematological parameters. Associations were explored through linear regression, controlling for confounders. Lifetime use of chemical classes other than organophosphates and dithiocarbamates were associated with decreased number of lymphocytes, while subjects sampled in the high pesticide use season showed higher number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin level. Detectable serum levels of many OC pesticides were associated with lower counts of white blood cells, particularly eosinophils. Although mostly null associations were observed between pesticide use and hematological parameters, findings may suggest that OC pesticides could lead to hematological alterations among agricultural workers.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre a exposição a organoclorados (OC) e agrotóxicos não persistentes e os parâmetros hematológicos em uma população agrícola de Farroupilha-RS. Foi utilizado um questionário para coletar informações sobre fatores sociodemográficos e de estilo de vida, duração, frequência e tipo de pesticidas utilizados, entre outros. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas e analisadas quanto a concentração sérica de 24 pesticidas OC e parâmetros hematológicos. As associações foram exploradas através de regressão linear, controlando por confundidores. O uso cumulativo de classes químicas diferentes de organofosforados e ditiocarbamatos associou-se com diminuição do número de linfócitos enquanto indivíduos que tiveram suas coletas sanguíneas realizadas na estação de maior uso de agrotóxicos tinham contagem de eritrócitos e hemoglobina maiores. Níveis séricos de diversos pesticidas organoclorados foram associados com contagens mais baixas de células brancas do sangue, particularmente eosinófilos. Embora as associações com o uso de agrotóxicos tenham sido, em geral, nulas, os resultados podem sugerir que os pesticidas OCs poderiam levar a alterações hematológicas entre os trabalhadores agrícolas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pesticides/blood , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/epidemiology , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/blood , Pesticides/toxicity , Blood Cell Count , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/blood , Farms , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/toxicity , Middle Aged
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 50-59, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002177


Abstract Introduction Tobacco farming exposes workers to various health risks due to the high application of pesticides needed to control pests, weeds and fungal diseases that prevent the tobacco plant growth. Objective To analyze the perception of the quality of life of tobacco growers exposed to pesticides, with emphasis on general health, hearing, and working conditions. Method This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study using a quantitative approach with farmers from southern Brazil. Data were collected from November of 2012 to November of 2014. For data collection, we opted for the 36-item short form health survey (SF-36) questionnaire, and a questionnaire with closed questions about health, hearing and working conditions. We evaluated a total of 78 subjects; the study group, made up of 40 tobacco farmers exposed to pesticides, and a control group of 38 participants without occupational exposure to pesticides. Both groups are residents of the same municipality, and users of the federal public health system. Results The results showed that tobacco growers had lower quality of life scores compared with the control group. Significant differences were observed in the areas of pain and general health. There were correlations between physical elements and chronic diseases; hearing complaints and a lack of personal protective equipment use, occupation and hearing complaints, as well as general health and hearing complaints. Conclusion Tobacco farming is a risky activity for general and hearing health, and it can impact the quality of life of those working in this field. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Occupational Exposure , Pesticide Exposure , Agricultural Workers' Diseases , Pesticides/toxicity , Tobacco/toxicity , Rural Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Ear Diseases , Hearing Disorders
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18217, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011649


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) placed the most widely used herbicide glyphosate (GLY) into the category 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans), a classification questioned by experts from academia and industry. This article critically appraised the epidemiological and experimental data that led the IARC working group (WG) to consider GLY a probable human carcinogen and the ensuing controversy. An association of GLY with non-Hodgkin lymphoma was suggested by some observational studies. A non-causal explanation for this weak association, however, cannot be excluded. Contrary to WG's view, long-term rodent assays yielded no convincing evidence that GLY is carcinogenic. The mechanistic evidence remains elusive as well. Bacterial reverse mutation tests (including tester strains sensitive to oxidative mutagens) were clearly negative, and so were rodent genotoxicity assays by oral route. Tests with mammalian cells in vitro yielded conflicting results at high (cytotoxic) concentrations of GLY-based formulations. Conflicting results were also obtained when high doses of GLY-based herbicides were administered to rodents by the intraperitoneal route. Such high doses are unlikely to be attained in realistic scenarios of exposure. Finally, the IARC classification is based on a conjectural hazard, and rational public health interventions must be based on estimated risks.

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Rats , Pesticides/toxicity , Carcinogens/classification , Herbicides/analysis , In Vitro Techniques/instrumentation , Epidemiologic Studies , Genotoxicity/prevention & control
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(5): 1375-1386, Mai. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890591


Resumo As transformações no cenário agrícola brasileiro vêm reconfigurando os modos de vida no campo, com repercussões sobre a saúde da população camponesa. Objetiva-se analisar necessidades de saúde de camponeses, identificadas por um coletivo de atores da universidade, Sistema Único de Saúde e movimentos sociais. Pesquisa-ação, cujo grupo foi constituído por agentes comunitários de saúde, trabalhadores de Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador, professor universitário e representantes de movimentos sociais. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas, visitas em campo, oficinas e seminários. A categorização temática evidenciou cinco conjuntos de necessidades de saúde: de revisão do modelo de desenvolvimento agrário, de boas condições de vida, de mobilização social, de evitar uso de agrotóxicos e de atuação do SUS. O diálogo de saberes e a troca de experiência potencializaram o reconhecimento de necessidades de saúde que requerem ações intersetoriais. As necessidades de saúde devem ser compreendidas no contexto dos territórios em que os sujeitos individuais e coletivos se inserem, reconhecendo-se a complexidade das questões sociais, econômicas, culturais e ambientais.

Abstract The transformations in the Brazilian agricultural scenario have reconfigured lifestyles in the countryside, with repercussions on the health of the rural population. The scope of this paper is to analyze health needs of farmers, identified by a collective of university actors, the Unified Health System and social movements. It is action-research, with a group comprised of community health workers, workers in a Reference Center in Occupational Health, a university professor and representatives of social movements. Semi-structured interviews and field visits were conducted, as well as workshops and seminars. The thematic categorization revealed five health need groupings: the need for revision of the agrarian development model; the need for good living conditions; the need for social mobilization; the need to avoid the use of pesticides; and the need for action of the Unified Health System (SUS). The dialogue of knowledge and exchange of experience elicited the recognition of health needs that require intersectoral action. Health needs must be understood in the context of the territories to which the individuals and groups belong, acknowledging the complexity of social, economic, cultural and environmental issues.

Humans , Rural Health , Occupational Health , Farmers , Pesticides/toxicity , Rural Population , Social Conditions , Brazil , Interviews as Topic , Community Health Workers/organization & administration , Needs Assessment , Agriculture , Agricultural Irrigation , Health Services Needs and Demand , Life Style , National Health Programs/organization & administration